Helping our city feed the earth.
Green With Indy is a year-round compost pickup service dedicated to residential areas and commercial businesses, including some of Indy's favorite foodie restaurants. Composting all organic material is nature’s way of breaking down material to enrich the soil from which it came.
Green With Indy is here to help support those new and familiar to composting, as we continue to grow our green community.
OUR vision
Making Indianapolis a green leader towards a happier, healthier and more sustainable environment.
With our continuously growing community, composting can become a regular part of our routines. Our vision is simply to be good stewards of the Earth and enrich the communities of Indianapolis with an easy disposal of their food waste.
Together, zero waste is possible.
Your contribution.
With every scheduled pick up date, we will haul your food waste to certified compost sites in Indiana. Where it is then turned into a rich soil for Indianapolis to utilize in growing it's local and wholesome garden table vegetables.
With your help we can keep this movement growing.