Features Overview
Feature 1
What is Sip Smart, Sip Green?
Green With Indy, Inc., is pioneering a vibrant alliance of local coffee and tea merchants to sustainable coffee and tea consumption.
The “Sip Smart, Sip Green” Alliance that connects local coffee and tea consumption with the growers of beans and tea leaves and the effect that climate change will have coffee, tea and herbal products.
The primary goal of the “Sip Smart, Sip Green” alliance is to collect all compostable waste from every member of the alliance, thereby reducing their contribution to climate change.
Shopper being handed a purchase in a compostable bag.
Feature 2
Second to that is to create compost waste drop off sites at member locations, where possible, for residential use where curbside service is impractical or inconvenient. Drop off sites build a sense of community the people like. Residential customers like being connecting to drop off site locations and members are rewarded with loyal, repeat customers.
64 Gallon Roll out Totes, locked and accessible only by subscription.