Green Shoots For Kids
If you get kids involved in planting trees they and you will watch their love for the environment grow. Coming in Spring of 2025, GWI will give away 500 starter fruit trees for planting. These will be given to current and future customers of our residential curbside compost pickup service. Together, we can nurture a greener world for generations to come.
"Nurture the next generation with Green Shoots!
Empower kids to make a positive impact on the environment by planting trees. Watch as their love for nature blossoms and grows along with the Green Shoots! they help cultivate. Start planting today for a brighter, greener tomorrow!"
Green Shoots for Kids!
It’s for their future. Let them see it through the growth of trees.
Green Shoots is a plan for children to plant a tree for urban reforestation.
Why urban reforestation?
Trees are cool and cooling by reducing the amount of sunlight that reaches parking lots, streets and buildings. If you’ve ever seen an egg frying on cement or asphalt where it’s 110° in the shade, you get it? Yes, it has been that hot.
Trees improve our air quality by filtering harmful dust and pollutants such as ozone, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide from the air we breathe.
Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe.
Trees reduce the amount of storm water runoff, erosion and pollution in our waterways. Ask Houston Texas residents about storm runoff and how the lack of trees impacted them.
Bottom line:
Living depends on trees for food and habitat for all mammals and humans, great and small.
What GWI is doing about it?
We’ve purchased 500 starter fruit trees to give to all customers doing business with Green With Indy. Current customer’s can email us for more information. If you are a new customer follow the link below for more information.
The Crossing. Acrylic on Canvas - 36”x 48” by Greg F. Walton/Gpapi.